Many factory fitted vehicle immobilisers can develop faults which prevent starting. These can often be repaired at the roadside if the fault is contained in the immobiliser itself. Renault and Citroen vehicles are often vulnerable when the main battery has been flat and jump starting has been attempted. This can cause damage to the electronic components inside certain control units. Reprogramming these units can often solve the problem, thereby preventing expensive dealer repairs.
Lost keys for Toyota vehicles would normally result in the complete immobiliser system being replaced, with new locks and keys being supplied by the main dealer. In most cases these immobiliser systems can be reset and new keys programmed for a fraction of the cost of main dealer repairs.
Lost keys for Iveco vans are expensive if the code card with the key and immobiliser information is absent. The immobiliser can be reprogrammed at the roadside and new keys made in under an hour, much cheaper and quicker than main dealer repairs.
MG Rover cars with lost remote fobs will often result in complete replacement of the immobiliser system if left to the main dealer. These can be reset quickly at the vehicle with vast savings in time and money over the dealer.
Renault immobiliser bypass modules can be installed to eliminate starting problems. Some modules can still be easily removed when required, thereby providing theft prevention when the vehicle is left unattended.